JavaScript : Sets

In JavaScript, a Set is a built-in data structure that represents a collection of unique values. Unlike arrays, Sets do not allow duplicate elements, which means each element within a Set must be unique. Sets are iterable, meaning you can loop through their elements using for...of loops or iterate over them using the forEach() method.

Creating a Set:

You can create a Set by passing an iterable object (such as an array) to the Set() constructor, or by using the Set literal notation {} .

// Using Set constructor
const mySet1 = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 4]); // Duplicate value '4' will be ignored

// Using Set literal notation
const mySet2 = new Set(['a', 'b', 'c']);


Adding and Removing Elements:

Sets have methods for adding and removing elements:

  • add(value) : Adds a new element to the Set. If the value already exists in the Set, it is ignored.
  • delete(value) : Removes the specified value from the Set. Returns true if the value was removed successfully, otherwise false.
  • clear() : Removes all elements from the Set.

const mySet = new Set();

mySet.add('apple'); // Ignored, as 'apple' already exists in the Set

console.log(mySet); // Output: Set { 'apple', 'banana' }

console.log(mySet); // Output: Set { 'apple' }

console.log(mySet); // Output: Set {}


Iterating Over Sets:

Sets are iterable, so you can loop through their elements using for...of loops or use the forEach() method.

const mySet = new Set(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// Using for...of loop
for (let item of mySet) {

// Using forEach method
mySet.forEach(item => {


Set Size and Checking for Elements:

Sets have properties and methods to check their size and whether a value exists in the Set:

  • size : Returns the number of elements in the Set.
  • has(value) : Returns true if the Set contains the specified value, otherwise false .

const mySet = new Set(['a', 'b', 'c']);

console.log(mySet.size); // Output: 3

console.log(mySet.has('a')); // Output: true
console.log(mySet.has('d')); // Output: false


Sets are useful for storing unique values and performing operations like union, intersection, and difference. They provide a convenient way to work with collections of data in JavaScript.