In JavaScript, an iterable is an object that implements the iterable protocol, allowing it to be iterated over using the for...of loop or other looping mechanisms that work with iterables. Iterables provide a way to access their elements sequentially, one at a time.
An object is considered iterable if it has a special method named Symbol.iterator , which returns an iterator object with a next() method. The next() method returns an object with two properties: value, representing the next element in the iteration, and done , indicating whether the end of the iterable has been reached.
const iterableArray = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
// Using for...of loop to iterate over the array
for (let item of iterableArray) {
const iterableString = 'Hello';
// Using for...of loop to iterate over the characters in the string
for (let char of iterableString) {
You can also create custom iterable objects by implementing the iterable protocol. Here's an example:
const customIterableObject = {
data: [1, 2, 3, 4],
[Symbol.iterator]: function() {
let index = 0;
return {
next: () => {
return index < ?
{ value:[index++], done: false } :
{ done: true };
// Using for...of loop to iterate over the custom iterable object
for (let item of customIterableObject) {
In this example, customIterableObject is a custom iterable object that implements the iterable protocol by defining a Symbol.iterator method that returns an iterator object with a next() method.
Iterables are fundamental in JavaScript for working with collections of data, enabling iteration over arrays, strings, maps, sets, and custom iterable objects. They provide a convenient way to access elements sequentially, making your code more expressive and readable.