JavaScript : Comments

In JavaScript, comments are used to add explanatory notes or annotations within the code. They are ignored by the JavaScript engine when the code is executed, so they don't affect the functionality of the script. Comments are crucial for improving code readability, explaining complex logic, and providing documentation for future reference or collaboration with other developers.

Types of Comments in JavaScript:

1. Single-Line Comments:

Single-line comments start with // and continue until the end of the line.

// This is a single-line comment
let x = 5;  // Assigning value to variable x


2. Multi-Line Comments:

Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */. They can span multiple lines.

   This is a
let y = 10;


3. Commenting Out Code:
Comments can also be used to temporarily comment out code that you want to exclude from execution. This is often used for debugging or testing purposes.

// let z = 20;  // This line of code is commented out

4. Inline Comments:
Inline comments are comments placed on the same line as the code they describe. They should be used sparingly and for brief explanations.

let result = x + y;  // Adding x and y

Best Practices for Using Comments:


  •  Use Comments Sparingly: Comments should enhance understanding, not clutter the code. Use them to explain complex code or important logic.
  •  Write Clear and Concise Comments: Comments should be clear, concise, and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details or overly verbose comments.
  •  Update Comments When Code Changes: Make sure to update comments when you modify the code. Outdated comments can be misleading.
  •  Use Descriptive Variable and Function Names: Good variable and function names can often reduce the need for comments. Aim for self-explanatory names.
  •  Avoid Obvious Comments: Comments that merely repeat what the code does without providing additional insight are not helpful.

 Example Usage:

Here's an example demonstrating different types of comments in JavaScript:

// This function calculates the sum of two numbers
function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;  // Adding a and b

   This block of code
   prints numbers from 1 to 5
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    console.log(i);  // Logging the current value of i

// This line is commented out for testing purposes
// let z = 20;

// Output: 15
console.log(add(7, 8));



Comments are an essential part of writing clean and maintainable JavaScript code. They help developers understand the code's purpose, logic, and behavior. By using comments effectively and following best practices, you can improve code readability and facilitate collaboration among team members.