PHP : OOP - Access Modifiers

In PHP, access modifiers are keywords that define the visibility or accessibility of properties and methods within a class. They control how properties and methods can be accessed or modified from outside the class. PHP has three main access modifiers:

1. Public

  •    Public members are accessible from outside the class.
  •    They can be accessed by objects of the class, as well as from outside the class.

2. Protected:

  •    Protected members are accessible within the class itself and its subclasses (child classes).
  •    They cannot be accessed from outside the class, but they can be accessed by subclasses.

3. Private:

  •    Private members are accessible only within the class itself.
  •    They cannot be accessed from outside the class, including subclasses.



class ClassName {
    public $publicProperty;
    protected $protectedProperty;
    private $privateProperty;



class ClassName {
    public function publicMethod() {
        // Code

    protected function protectedMethod() {
        // Code

    private function privateMethod() {
        // Code



class Car {
    public $brand;       // Public property
    protected $model;    // Protected property
    private $price;      // Private property

    public function __construct($brand, $model, $price) {
        $this->brand = $brand;
        $this->model = $model;
        $this->price = $price;

    public function displayInfo() {
        echo "Brand: {$this->brand}, Model: {$this->model}, Price: {$this->price}

    public function setPrice($newPrice) {
        $this->price = $newPrice;

    protected function getModel() {
        return $this->model;

    private function getPrice() {
        return $this->price;

// Creating an object of the Car class
$car1 = new Car("Toyota", "Camry", 25000);

// Accessing public properties and methods
echo "Brand: " . $car1->brand . "
";   // Output: Brand: Toyota
$car1->displayInfo();                      // Output: Brand: Toyota, Model: Camry, Price: 25000

// Accessing protected and private properties and methods
// This will result in errors because they cannot be accessed from outside the class
// echo "Model: " . $car1->model;          // Error: Cannot access protected property
// echo "Price: " . $car1->price;          // Error: Cannot access private property
// echo "Model: " . $car1->getModel();     // Error: Cannot access protected method
// echo "Price: " . $car1->getPrice();     // Error: Cannot access private method

// Accessing protected method within a subclass (extends Car)
class LuxuryCar extends Car {
    public function getLuxuryModel() {
        return "Luxury Model: " . $this->getModel(); // Accessing protected method from parent

$luxuryCar = new LuxuryCar("BMW", "7 Series", 100000);
echo $luxuryCar->getLuxuryModel(); // Output: Luxury Model: 7 Series


In this example:

  • The Car class has public, protected, and private properties and methods.
  • Public properties and methods ($brand, displayInfo(), setPrice()) are accessible from outside the class.
  • Protected properties and methods ($model, getModel()) are accessible within the class and its subclasses (like LuxuryCar).
  • Private properties and methods ($price, getPrice()) are only accessible within the Car class itself.


  • Public: Use when you want the property or method to be accessible from outside the class.
  • Protected: Use when you want the property or method to be accessible within the class and its subclasses.
  • Private: Use when you want the property or method to be accessible only within the class itself.

Access modifiers help in encapsulation, allowing you to control access to properties and methods, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the class and preventing unintended modifications.